What You Really Need This Hosting Season

What You Really Need This Hosting Season

For the Year Ahead and Behind

A time for gathering and celebration, the holiday season is filled with cheer, gratitude, and good company. It's a joyous time, the perfect opportunity to connect with family and friends to reminisce on the year past and celebrate the one ahead. 

Whether for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, or just a gathering in the seasonal spirit, you have probably already begun thinking of opening your home to entertain family and friends. While spending time at a party or the home of a loved one is enjoyable, there is nothing like hosting in your own space. Seeing your loved ones gathered under your roof, connecting in a space so personal and beloved to you is deeply rewarding and enjoyable.

Your Space

Imagine how beautiful it would be when bringing your loved ones into your space if it were a space that represents you, a space you truly love. When you look around your home, do you feel joy, like the environment is an extension of your warmest memories, life journeys, and experiences? 

Printing and hanging personal pictures transforms the generic walls of a house into an individualized, unique experience—the experience of your home. Adding more of what you love (your favorite memories and people!) into your space highlights all the gratitude and joy in life.

Metal prints are a luxurious, vibrant way to display your favorite memories and the moments that led you to today. 

Here are some ideas of what to hang on your walls:

  • Nature scenes from your favorite places around the world 
  • Travel shots
  • Group shots with your family or friends 
  • Favorite childhood memories   
  • Milestone moments- graduation, birth of a child, wedding, engagement
  • Candid, meaningful moments with the ones you love
  • Your own photographs that are meaningful to you 


The Time is Now

Although many pictures might come to mind from the above list, you don't wait to have them all organized to begin decorating your walls. Hanging even one photo can personalize your space and add life to your walls. Think of one image that stands out, choose your size, and take a step towards transforming your space into a personal oasis today. 

This season, you'll be bringing your family and friends into a space you love. A space reflecting the warmth and joy of all that makes your life beautiful. Start today.


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